Hi, everyone:) We took TOEIC test four days ago, didn't we? I don't know if I can get a better mark than before, but I can feel my Reading Skills improved by reading a Western book. Don't you think so???
The Eleventh Tuesday: We talk About Our Culture
Outside, it was jacket weather, early October, the leaves clumped in piles on the lawns. Morrie's disease was now dangerously close to his surrender spot, his lungs.
Morrie said, "The problem, Mitch, is that we don't believe we are as much alike as we are. Whites and blacks, Catholics and Protestants, men and women. If we saw each other as more alike, we might be very eager to join in one big human family in this world, and to care about that family the way we care about our town. But believe me, when you are dying, you see it is true. We all have the same beginningーbirthーand we all have the same endーdeath. So how difficult can we be? Invest in the human family. Invest in people. Build a little community of those you love and who love you."
Morrie squeezed Mitch's hand gently. Mitch squeezed back together. Morrie smiled and said, "In the beginning of life, when we are infants, we need others to survive, right? And at the end of life, when you get like me, you need others to survive, right?" Morrie's voice dropped to a whisper. "But here's the secret: in between, we need others as well."
The Twelfth Tuesday: We Talk About Forgiveness
The sky was rainy and dark, and Morrie was beneath a blanket. Mitch sat at the far end of his chair, holding his bare feet.
"Mitch," Morrie said. "It's not just other people we need to forgive. We also need to forgive ourselves."
"Ourselves?" Mitch asked.
"Yes," Morrie answered. "For all the things we didn't do. All the things we should have done. You can't get stuck on the regrets of what should have happened. That doesn't help you when you get to where I am. I always wished I had done more with my work; I wished I had written more books. I used to beat myself up over it. Now I see that never did any good. Make peace. You need to make peace with yourself and everyone around you."
Mitch learned over and dabbed at the tears with a tissue. Morrie flicked his eyes open and closed. His breathing was audible, like a light snore. Morrie said, "Forgive yourself before you die. Then forgive others."
I didn't know that I need to forgive myself. I'm always regretting things, but I want to forgive myself and go foreword from now on!
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